PacificSport is committed to providing quality educational opportunities for amateur athletes and coaches in the Fraser Valley. We endeavour to offer workshops in locations throughout the region and, whenever possible, we utilize the facilities of our partners. *Note: all current workshops are being offered online via Zoom.
We offer education to athletes and teams in the Fraser Valley region by:
Organizing workshops and seminars as part of our PacificSport Fraser Valley Speaker Series and listing them on our Event Calendar – these events are open to the public and registration links are included for each individual event.
Coaches, parents or athletes can request these Speaker Series for groups based on their individual needs, and we will do our best to accomodate using our partners in your area.
Examples of Topics:
Sport Psychology and Mental Training
- Goal setting, motivation, personality
- Arousal, stress, anxiety, arousal regulation methods
- Focus/concentration, flow, imagery, confidence
- Athletic injuries, avoiding burnout
- Team dynamics, cohesion, leadership, communication
Sport Nutrition
- Athletes and body composition
- Female Athlete Triad
- Eating for Performance
- Nutrition Foundations
- Cooking Classes for Athletes
Injury Prevention and Recovery:
- Flexibility, Mobility and Stability for Injury Prevention
- Foam Rolling and Myofascial Release
- PNF Stretching
Concussion Awareness
Physiology of Exercise
Olympic Weightlifting
Branding and Sponsorship
Please contact our Athlete Services Team for more information about sport education topics you would like to see offered, or to arrange sport education for your team/group.
CSI Speaker Series
Gain access to CSI Pacific’s Sport Performance Speakers Series